
Feed A Village


Story Behind the Village


After many prayers asking God to lead us in the right direction as a new chapter began within our operations in Haiti, we had the opportunity to meet a servant leader, a visionary and an upstanding man in his community. We met Pastor Jonas Justin at nearly 18 miles away from our headquarters in Haiti. That day, we were driving with our guest to no specific destination to explore the city. We ended up meeting Pastor Jonas at Madame Beaugé Village in Croix-des-Bouquets. 

It was a poor, broken place. It was dusty, windy and hot but everyone’s heart was warmed by the welcoming smiles and slogans shouted by the kids “Men Blan yo” (Here come the white folks). Surrounded by all the people in the village, our CEO offered to pray for everyone and started to go from house to house until that one man specifically asked us to pray for him. It was Pastor Jonas Justin, the leader of the community. 

Out of respect for him and his ministry there, we didn’t want to go ahead and do what pleased us. We had multiple sit downs with him to strategize how we could transform the community. God put so many good things in his heart to share such as; agricultural investment which unfortunately can not be a dream come true because of the drought there and the bad quality of the soil for farming, feeding the kids there because all of them go days starving due to the extreme poverty people are living in and support and promote the education of the little ones and the next generation. 

The partnership was officially made and the kids of Madame Beaugé have had a chance to benefit from a Feeding program, social activities for their growth, many food kits distribution after Hurricane Mathew and Irma, home building and repairs and so on. 

"These kids have always relied on the hot meals we provided three times a week," Pastor Jonas said. Through the recent years, with your precious help, we served over 31,000 meals to 200 kids and adults every time, paid many months of salary to women in the village that were desperate for a steady job. Now, like ever before, Pastor Jonas never stops expressing his desire for us to come back stronger after the devastating impact political turmoil and the pandemic had on the course of life of everyone there. We did before. We certainly can do it again with your generosity to help us moving forward and impacting lives."

- Anthony Charles, Haiti Director

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