Jameson 'Sonson"

Age 4

Jameson 'Sonson' Joseph was born in December 2019 in Bel Air, a slum near downtown Port-au-Prince during a time of great unrest in the area. After the war broke out between gangs and police in Bel Air, Sonson's mom often stayed by the side of the street opening up her arms to those passing by, asking for food and was willing to give away the child to anyone who could guarantee his wellbeing. Sonson's dad was killed by gangs during the fighting in Bel Air. His mom had to flee their home with Sonson in an effort to keep them both alive. As his mom became ill, our staff was asked to take Sonson into our home.

Sonson is a joy! In spite of the hard times he was born into, he carries a sweetness wherever he goes. His smile is contagious and everyone in the home loves to watch him dance.

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